Mountain Lion Foundation will be attending The Wildlife Society 2019 Conference in Reno, Nevada from September 29th to October 3rd. We were able to create beautiful stickers for conference attendees with the help of talented conservation artists.
Very few conference goers are specifically “mountain lions biologists”. However, since mountain lions interact with and predate upon a wide variety of species, many scientists indirectly collect data on lions as they study their own species of interest.
We know that deer and elk are major food sources for mountain lions.
But what else is on their menu?bighorn sheep
small mammals
feral pigs
birds… even penguins!
rodents (beavers & porcupines)
)Visit Mountain Lion Foundation at our booth in the exhibit hall for your free sticker!
About the artists:
Joey and Kylee Medina are two students attending Humboldt State University and are passionate about wildlife and creating art. Both have worked as wildlife technicians conducting habitat and population surveys for California Spotted Owl, Great Gray Owl and Osprey during their summer breaks.
Kylee is currently working on a degree in Environmental Science and Management with a concentration in Environmental Education and Interpretation. She loves to blend art with an educational spin in order to bring awareness to wildlife. Kylee hopes to one day develop her own outdoor educational program where she can continue to mix art and environmental interpretation while making a living doing it. If you don’t find her drawing or painting you will most likely find her looking for insects, moths and beetles in particular.
Joey is finishing up his degree in Wildlife Management and Conservation and is passionate about avian ecology. He hopes to obtain a master’s degree and work as a wildlife biologist with an emphasis on management and conservation of passerine species. In his free time, Joey enjoys birding and creating art of wildlife and natural sceneries.
Joey and Kylee are extremely excited and honored to contribute art to the Mountain Lion Foundation to help bring awareness to mountain lion conservation.
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