Oct 7, 2024
Sharon Negri, Mountain Lion Foundation Co-Founder, Returns to the Organization

The Mountain Lion Foundation team is delighted to welcome (back) Sharon Negri, the Foundation’s co-founder and first Executive Director. As Executive Director, Sharon helped lead a coalition to pass California Proposition 117 in 1990, which banned trophy hunting of mountain lions and allocated $30 million a year for 30 years to critical wildlife habitat. To this day, California is the only state where the recreational hunting of mountain lions is illegal at the state level. 

In her new capacity as Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, Sharon works with the Executive Director to identify and develop new opportunities to advance the Mountain Lion Foundation’s mission and work. These projects and partnerships focus on the organization’s three primary program areas — education, advocacy, and coexistence.  

“I am thrilled to work with such a dedicated and passionate team to enhance our efforts in protecting and conserving mountain lions.”

In her spare time, Sharon continues to direct WildFutures, where she provides consultation to government agencies and organizations and develops essential tools and trainings to advance protections for mountain lions and other large carnivores.

Among Sharon’s published works are Cougar Management Guidelines (2005); Cougar Ecology and Conservation (2009), with renowned cougar biologist Maurice Hornocker; and numerous reports and papers for foundations, agencies, and conservation organizations. She produced the films The Secret Life of Mountain Lions (2016) and La vida secreta de los pumas (2017), and she co-produced the award-winning film On Nature’s Terms (2001) and television public service announcements on mountain lion and bear awareness and safety. 

We are excited that Sharon has returned to the organization to help us expand our advocacy, education, and coexistence programming for mountain lions and those living with lions across the country. 

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