Mar 17, 2023
Living with Lions Webinar Series 2025

Mountain lions play a critical role in maintaining a healthy natural ecosystem in every landscape they inhabit, but their continued presence in those landscapes is often tenuous.

Our Living with Lions webinar series highlights the challenges mountain lions face in existing in a human-dominated world, as well as the steps that we can take to preserve their presence here.

Interested in hearing the latest developments in mountain lion research? Want to be a more effective advocate for wildlife? These webinars are for you!

Registration is open now for these webinars:


Photo credit: Sebastian Kennerknecht

Cougar Connections: Wildlife Crossings in Washington

Glen Kalisz, Connectivity Biologist, Washington State Department of Transportation

Wednesday, March 19 at 12pm PT via Zoom

Learn about Washington’s efforts to solve one of the biggest problems for mountain lions: habitat fragmentation. Glen Kalisz has spent decades improving the geographic connectivity of mountain lions in the state. This webinar will focus on his work as a Habitat Connectivity Biologist and the crossing structure projects that he’s led in his tenure with the Washington State Department of Transportation.



Stay tuned, as each month we will dive in deep with scientists, journalists, authors, policymakers and more. Unless otherwise noted, all talks will take place at noon Pacific time, via Zoom. Registration is free and required in order to receive the link.

All events are free to attend, with donations to support our efforts welcome. This community has contributed well over $10,000 toward mountain lion protection efforts through these webinars since their launch in 2021. It’s inspiring to see so many people not only making time in their lives for mountain lions, but also giving generously to support recovery and co-existence efforts.

Watch our most recent webinar: 

Storytelling for Mountain Lions

If you aren’t already receiving our e-newsletter, sign up today so you don’t miss out when we announce the next events in this series.

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